Story & Rules

For centuries humans flew to space and shot asteroids to debris. Until scientists found out that asteroids are a crucial component for terraforming of new planets. With the imminent destruction of the ecosystem on earth asteroids have become an incredibly valuable resource to create new habitable planets in space.

As a result the roles of space contractors have been reversed, instead of destroying asteroids they are now sent to space to collect scattered debris and assemble them back to asteroids. Due to the high market value of assembled asteroids the competition to collect debris is fierce.

As a new pilot you are flying a spaceship with a rotary collection net. Your ship is set to autopilot but you can control the radius in which your collection net rotates around your ship. The closer you keep the net the faster it rotates and the more debris you collect the faster it rotates overall.

At the same time your competition is flying through space trying to snatch the precious debris before you can reach it with your net. The more they collect, the faster they can fly.

For every five debris you collect you can assemble an asteroid on your ship. This process produces some leftovers which you can compress to garbage that looks like a small asteroid on the radar of your competition. You competitor will be distracted and fly towards the asteroid garbage instead of any debris. Use this distraction to gain valuable time to collect more debris yourself. Drop your garbage wisely though, if they collect it you will make them angry and they will fly even faster to collect any debris.

The first one to collect 50 debris wins! Good luck and fly safe.

  • W: Increase collection net radius
  • S: Decrease collection net radius
  • Space: Assemble an asteroid and drop garbage to distract your competitor (only works if the asteroid counter is at least 5)
  • ESC: Pause
Known Issues
  • There is a bug that the rotation changes its direction when the net is moved too far outwards. This is not intentional, the net should always rotate clockwise.

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